- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for December 2017 « page 4
I think I may have finally solved the problem my wife was having with our home wifi. Need to wait for her to use it a bit to be sure.
I have a rule to never pick the Detroit Lion to win a game. Why? Because every time I do they lose. (They lose most of the rest of their games too.) #fb
Star Wars Generations golddave.com/DUtze6
That’s not a black and white cookie! instagram.com/p/BdIS2YyA0o_M… pic.twitter.com/CZVDvoYBtZ
No, Bruce, The Glory Days Won’t Pass You By golddave.com/CU7FsJ
Was it really necessary for Apple to slow down old iPhones? golddave.com/ZBYEX3 (via @verge) pic.twitter.com/bBH7ei8vCb
RT @chrisalbon: Software engineering pro-tip:
Do not, I repeat, do not deploy this week. That is how you end up debugging a critical issue…
@lifehacker How could you make McCartney Vs. Lennon a round 1 matchup?
Saw a short and stout guy in the office this morning. From behind it looked like it could be @JerseySchorr but alas it was not.
@Asteinberg613 Politics has gotten way to partisan and acidic. If ever there was a time to become independent or for more parties to be formed this would be the time.