- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for October 2008
Informative video to help you this time of year: tinyurl.com/ytdpbq
@curiousmitch Do you have the same tire you had when you left?
@JasonCalacanis Nice site, good cpntent. But it resizes my browser when I go there. That’s a big no-no for me.
Ya gotta love Rocco Baldelli.
I’d rather watch another Obama infomercial than see the Phillies win tonight.
I just turned on Fox to watch the rest of World Series game 5 only to see Obama’s infomercial start. This should be against the law.
@curiousmitch You take way too many pictures for someone who isn’t a professional photographer.
Retweeting @laughingsquid: 23/6 has put together a brilliant video that synchronizes all three presidential debates tr.im/synch
Now that I’m back from motor vehicles what will I do with the rest of my day?
I’m glad I didn’t have to commute in today’s rainy weather. Score one for unemployment.