- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for March 2011
@TechRav The share tools are a bit buggy. Specifically which articles are giving you this trouble? I’ll look into it.
@curiousmitch I’m here! (@ William A. Stickel Memorial Bridge) http://4sq.com/frdUDt
@curiousmitch I need to get out of PABT first.
OK, #DeCamp, your grace period is over. Now get the bus to the gate so I can go home!
@perze You think it’s a decoy cobra?
Bronx Zoo Cobra Found Alive – http://golddave.com/lcCexn Sorry to hear your good times have come to an end, @BronxZoosCobra .
@BodyofBreen Think they’ll bring back third party URL shortening in iPhone/iPad app any time soon?
@dickc The QuickBar was NOT a problem. Removing support for third party URL shorteners is a BIG problem.
My (now partially eaten) corned beef on club. And yes, I got fries with that. post.ly/1pXpy
@curiousmitch On my second go around trying out Foursquare and Gowalla. I don’t see very much point for me besides making a game of things.