- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for June 2011 « page 6
Say what you will about Microsoft naming conventions but easy to see difference between Win 7 & Win Phone 7. Honeycomb? Ice Cream Sandwhich?
Spike is running Star Wars and SyFy is running James Bond. WTF?
@evilcharity That’s why I make mine in a disposable. I’m too lazy to clean it.
This May Be Something Completely Different – golddave.com/U23Jjv A Monty Python reunion included the deceased Graham Chapman? I’m in!
On This Day (June 27) – golddave.com/aBHZYK
Today’s New York Times (June 27, 2011) – golddave.com/kbVvK9
Forgot my sinus meds at home today. I hope it doesn’t set me back. Also have to change my followup appointment because of a conflict. *sigh*
Planned on riding the bike tonight but the boy had other ideas. It’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
On This Day (June 26) – golddave.com/qpArfM
Today’s New York Times (June 26, 2011) – golddave.com/CYXq7q