- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for February 2009 « page 6
Great page for tracking the $700 Billion bailout: bit.ly/2GBZs
Published a new blog post: Share on Facebook Plugin released @bit.ly/tX77D Comments are welcome.
@ijustine Can you possibly watch something without Twittering spoilers? I won’t be watching Lost until later.
Published a new blog post: Should I Give Up Trying To Make Things Better? @bit.ly/JSbyQ Comments are welcome.
@BrentSpiner All excellent actors as well.
@ijustine No spoilers please.
Blasted kitchen. I’m on the phone here so kindly SHUT UP so I can hear.
@JerseySchorr I saw that movie. Could be much worse.
@curiousmitch Considering how close to 8 my oldest is I can confidently say 8 is too young for a cellphone.
Retweeting @dancosta: Interesting fact: Median age of a Twitter user: 31, LinkedIn: 40 (Pew/Internet)