- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for February 2009 « page 5
@BrentSpiner I actually disagree. My interest in the Oscars has waned in recent years mostly because of the length of the broadcast.
Published a new blog post: What I Learned From One Hundred Pushups @bit.ly/hd6Gk Comments are welcome.
@curiousmitch Check this out: http://bit.ly/NUqjf
anyone know where i can download a set of photos so i can test something? the photos will only be used internally.
Published a new blog post: Citibank Scammed @bit.ly/j04h3 Comments are welcome.
@natalidelconte Do I see a call the the Better Business Bureau and Consumer Affairs in your future?
Finally in the office an hour later than usual after a very annoying commute. First rear ended. Then left lane of a two lane road closed.
Published a new blog post: Add To Facebook Bug Fixed @bit.ly/4Jboh Comments are welcome.
@jsegal1 I saw that yesterday. He really kicked some butt.
@levarburton Keep it up. You’re doing a great job!