Tweet Archive for hashtag “#decamp” « page 6

Bus is 25 minutes late so far. Not a good day for a delay. #DeCamp should have a Twitter account to post delays.

8:13am Mar 16 2011 —

The waiting (for the bus) is the hardest part. Especially when it’s late. #decamp

6:43pm Dec 9 2010 —

In honor of the 1st night of Chanukah #DeCamp buses will be running on just a 15 minute delay. Please plan accordingly.

6:44pm Dec 1 2010 —

Is it really so hard to get a bus to PABT within 10 minutes of scheduled departure? #decamp

6:48pm Nov 18 2010 —

Is there a reason why the bus that’s sitting idle across the way can’t replace the one that’s 10 minutes late? #decamp

5:45pm Nov 4 2010 —

It was nice of the driver to warn us he was going to be delayed due to mechanical issues before we got on the bus. #decamp

9:07am Mar 12 2010 —

Bus stopped on side of road for 15 minutes then started going again with no explanation from driver. #FAIL #Decamp

9:36am Feb 22 2010 —