- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
- Tweets
- With Replies
Recent tweets « page 61
Senator Al Franken Accused of Groping Woman in 2006 golddave.com/jumnOc (via @nytimes) Me: Shame on the smug, holier than thou senator. pic.twitter.com/loOtLaippB
I was told today that I look like Martin Landau. Not sure if it was meant as a compliment.
The man admitted he didn’t vote in last year’s election. This is a Citizen of the Year? I don’t think so.
GQ’s Citizen of the Year @Kaepernick7, featuring photos by Martin Schoeller https://t.co/mNTw6S0HPE pic.twitter.com/HomW9wZLS8
— GQ Magazine (@GQMagazine) November 13, 2017
RIP Howard Johnson (Blazing Saddles). Did we ever find out if he was Robin Masters (Magnum, P. I.)?
John Hillerman, Who Played Snooty Caretaker on 'Magnum, P.I.,' Dies at 84 – https://t.co/IJSSYWqLnT (NY Times)
— twitbituaries (@twitbituaries) November 10, 2017
With all the construction underway in our office building I’ve lost track of where the nap rooms are. Could really use one right now.
Twitter, Facing Another Uproar, Pauses Its Verification Process golddave.com/3TI98A (via @nytimes) Me: I think some people are missing the point of verification. pic.twitter.com/VDq6xhnkC0
Louis C.K. Crossed a Line Into Sexual Misconduct, 5 Women Say golddave.com/wDKjrx (via @nytimes) Louis CK once said “Life is full of horrible mistakes.” This is one of them, Louis. Or should I say this is 5 of them? pic.twitter.com/pFXT7lteyr
Last night I updated @twitbituaries for the new Twitter character limit. I don’t think it ever hit the old one but it’s good to be prepared
The thing about Slack is that it’s the perfect way to have a conversation with the people sitting right next to you without having to actually speak any words. (Are we really that lazy?)