- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
- Tweets
- With Replies
Recent tweets « page 16
The answer to life, the universe and everything is 42. Except for today. instagram.com/p/BvjoAXrH_aM3… pic.twitter.com/BMj2QEQu1I
Asus was warned of hacking risks months ago, thanks to leaky passwords golddave.com/ptMjJq (via @TechCrunch) Me: Woops. pic.twitter.com/6ZCMGQ7lN7
Just solved one of the problems that my new position was created to solve. Feeling good.
The change in my meeting schedule from my move to a new project is very freeing in many (but not all) ways.
Separated at birth? @joe_gatto @tapefaceboy instagram.com/p/BvdCDMPH6gSq… pic.twitter.com/ly3RczPjfY
Disagreements are going to happen. It’s how we deal with people with regard to these disagreements which defines the types of people we really are.
With a new team comes a whole new set of Slack channels to follow.
It’s nice to see that people are finally coming around to the idea that Dolan should sell for the better of the team. I’ve been saying this for years.
"Ban Dolan" shirts were given out prior to today's Knicks-Lakers matchup https://t.co/m8ivkhvex2 pic.twitter.com/k13G7gLP2f
— SNY (@SNYtv) March 17, 2019
That feeling when you’re proven right on something you said several months ago… but can’t say a word about it now.
Lou Reed Archive Opens at New York Public Library golddave.com/IZ4SXe (via @nytimes) Me: I agree with my former colleague, @arewenotmen, who tweets “Missed opportunity for these library cards to not say “Lou Reads”. pic.twitter.com/NPyyfAXhO2