- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
- Tweets
- With Replies
Recent tweets « page 10
First day back at work after a couple of weeks off. Let’s get it on!
@Buster_ESPN Regarding the Astros penalty, why stop at a fine & draft pick loss? They won a World Series by cheating, so why is that World Series not stripped from the franchise? Yes, it’s severe. But if you win by cheating you shouldn’t get credit for winning. #bleechertweet
@Netflixhelps I get an error logging in and I never receive password reset emails so I can’t get into my account. What’s up with that?
Great first Monday of the year so far. Doctor’s visit (I’ll spare the details) made me late to work, missed the opportunity to work at a desk (thanks, flex seating) and now I can’t listen to podcasts and charge my phone at the same time (thanks, Apple). It can only get better.
Still trying. pic.twitter.com/sXWsJI1pZ3
First song Spotify gave me in 2020 was The Warmth of the Sun by The Beach Boys. golddave.com/JSX6uh
Not a bad way to begin the year.
I finished the regular season in first place in both of my fantasy football leagues. My first matchups in the playoffs in each league are against teams I lost to in my only meetings with them in the regular season. I hope the past doesn’t repeat itself.
Rewound is a new app that turns your iPhone into an iPod golddave.com/bICqms (via @verge) Me: For those who want to take several steps backward. pic.twitter.com/LytfMS4Opn
Could it be that I’ve made it to inbox zero? pic.twitter.com/P6RjOiDSCD
Dilbert Murders Robots golddave.com/sMofe4 (via @DailyDilbert) Me: The singularity. pic.twitter.com/jkbJh947ix