- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for February 2017 « page 5
@BodyofBreen Some may feel they no longer get what they followed for. Just saying. I still follow.
@BodyofBreen Not a question of caring. I’d guess that most of your followers don’t follow you for politics.
@BodyofBreen We’re all politicked out. Apparently 200 are more politicked out than others.
And here he is in 1996: golddave.com/9TNiGM
Was Former President Bill Clinton ahead of his time on immigration in State of Union addresses?
1995: golddave.com/OIQCiu
A person’s appearance is obviously going to be what makes a first impression on you. The trick is to not let it be the only impression.
@yshollander I also have a Minecraft server running on a Raspberry Pi. That took some tweaking to get it to run with minimal lag.
@yshollander You need lots of memory for it to run smoothly. This was on a brand new Windows box with 16gb of RAM.
Minecraft: Installing Forge Without Installing Java golddave.com/C8Kixr
How to Do the Shortest Workout Possible golddave.com/Opw8iZ (via @nytimes) Me: This is the type of workout I ca…