- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for November 2014 « page 10
Facebook update gives you more control over your News Feed golddave.com/pN0FGH (via @mashable) Me: This still doesn’t fix the news feed.
@WestOrangeInfo You realize that the person you’re thanking will not see your reply unless you use their twitter handle, right?
Curious what my dad, a big Philip Roth fan, would have thought about this. golddave.com/apJWjz
How to Create a Secure Password golddave.com/UOoLXo (via @nytvideo & @mollywood)
Curious if @oriole906 saw this. RT @WestOrangeInfo: Thanks Michael Dyckman for the follow!! Make it a great week!! #westorangenj
Finally paid for LastPass Premium. Now that there’s a iOS Safari extension it’s so worth it. lastpass.com/f?5920736
Google Maps is getting a colorful redesign for iOS and Android golddave.com/lhUSDw (via @verge)
RT @NYTArchives: 1976 interview with George Lucas on his upcoming film: @StarWars. (warning spoilers)
nyti.ms/10sYLNN http://t.co/E…
@curiousmitch The store I use most frequently closed this week.
‘Minecraft’ now officially belongs to Microsoft — what you should know golddave.com/ShVSre (via @verge) Me: My son is happy about this.