- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for October 2014 « page 5
A View That Costs $81 Million golddave.com/gZqFzT (via @nytvideo)
RT @pourmecoffee: Thousands protest @nytimes decision to end chess column pic.twitter.com/CmNVcEXWsz
@MGordonNY @JerseySchorr Also, there’s usually a mobile succah by J2. And I’m forgetting another option.
@MGordonNY @JerseySchorr Chabad usually has a succah at Bryant Part (or in front of the library). You can bring from anywhere.
@curiousmitch “not a great 1st quarter”? Try a lousy 1st quarter for the Giants tonight. #NYG #NYGvsPHI
@MirkoViviano To make it show all of that data would take a lot of work. Your better of finding a different solution.
@MirkoViviano it doesn’t work that way out of the box. I’d have to make code changes to make that work. How do you want it to display?
Thanks to @curiousmitch for the lovely (albeit brief) evening.