- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for May 2014 « page 7
‘The Flash’ Trailer Hits: 9 Cool Blink-And-You-Missed-It Screenshots golddave.com/2YKX81 (via @mashable) Me: I’ve always like the Flash.
@mollywood It keeps follow(er) numbers up. It’s all about the numbers.
Maybe I’m missing something but wouldn’t skipping lunch promote hunger? instagram.com/p/n8LE3Brij3/
Twitter turns on mute feature cnet.com/news/twitter-t… (via @cnet) Me: It’s about time.
Finding A Lost FitBit golddave.com/nu8ufW
Stephen Colbert insults T-Mobile, while being paid by T-Mobile golddave.com/8aQSin (via @cnet) Me: Hilarious.
Why HTML5 Will Finally Take Over Video in 2014 golddave.com/Tx0QwI (via @TheNextWeb) Me: I know some devs who’ll be happy about this.
Bitly users’ account credentials possibly compromised golddave.com/OO4rLD (via @cnet)
The only benefit to having the flu is that once I touched the TV remote nobody else wanted it.