- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for October 2013 « page 7
Just got an unsolicited comment from a director about the great job I’m doing on the product I’m working on. Just doing my job, I replied.
MT @KatzM: LeBron’s chalk toss through the years — in one @mcgarrytim GIF: twitpic.com/dft4bu Me: I hope nobody in front row is alergic.
Seeing these ads in midtown Manhattan. This is a good thing. instagram.com/p/e-nM1PLioD/
Ridiculously Smart Password Meter Coming to WordPress 3.7 golddave.com/yqhMna
I should set up an auto responder for when my wife texts me so she’ll always get a reply saying ‘OK’.
My iOS7 Annoyances golddave.com/GWglHX
Beginning to get into this Fitbit stuff. Anyone want to link up on there?