- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for March 2013 « page 9
@curiousmitch Maybe this? rsslounge.aditu.de
@curiousmitch I saw that. I think a second option is needed. I don’t like their client.
So what’s the early favorite for GoogleReader replacement?
@curiousmitch Self hosting. Hmmm. Not hard to throw together a rudimentary RSS reader. It’s building up around it that would be hard for me.
@curiousmitch @aspender $30 to replace something that’s free? I think not (for me anyway).
@yshollander I saw that a little while ago. I just got it into my (several times) daily routine. Going to be hard to find a replacement.
@supertoy Not that there’s anything wrong with it. Looks like it can be fun. Just different than Seesaw.
@supertoy From my quick look it yours pulls up random questions. Mine is questions from real people, has a social network and organization.
@supertoy This is different. This is more of a social polling place.
@curiousmitch That sucks. I just moved from SharpReader to Google Reader in 2012. Now that I depend on it it’s going away. Argh!