- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for March 2013 « page 7
Getting my @feedly_chrome workflow in gear. Not much different than the worflow I used in Google Reader but much cleaner interface.
What about PSL prices? RT @DWAZ73: AP News – #Jets not raising ticket prices apne.ws/10RjrtY
@Dropbox picking up @Mailbox? golddave.com/9zFWx0 Two services I use and both are great at what they do.
Yahoo Should Seize the Moment and Improve Its RSS Reader golddave.com/v4vpn9 Me: Yahoo has an RSS reader? Who knew?
@curiousmitch Let’s just say the experiment is in a holding pattern.
To live up to @curiousmitch ‘s impression of me I am experimenting with Tiny Tiny RSS self hosted RSS Reader.
@JerseySchorr Feedly has a Chrome extension.
@duffbert Exactly.
@duffbert I’m not good with change when it means giving up something I’m comfortable with. That’s why I only do it when I have no choice.
@duffbert Not very good as I like to use both functions.