- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for March 2013 « page 15
@JerseySchorr Saw this last night and thought of you. You beat me to the tweet.
My father’s best friend became a great grandfather today. Would have made dad very happy.
@elisa_cohen I wonder if he’ll get jail time for that.
@curiousmitch I don’t have any contacts at the NY Times.
Pitched a story on @countsefira to two different weekly newspapers. We’ll see if one of them bites.
Trying to troubleshoot my mom’s WhatsApp over the phone. It says it can’t connect to the internet but other apps have no trouble. Thoughts?
The promotional art Matt Groening drew for Apple golddave.com/kxhLyG (via @cnetnews) Me: Computers in Hell?
Google Maps for iOS gets first big update golddave.com/6KzNkZ (via @cnetnews)
@elisa_cohen Does the food poisoning cost extra?
Opening day @MLB @MLBTV #MLBTV4Lunch