- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for March 2013 « page 12
I have come to the conclusion that all desktop Twitter clients (browser based or otherwise) are terrible. (contd.)
Hey @VerizonSupport, does this look right to you? Shouldn’t that be closed? pic.twitter.com/UbAdtifXHp
Note to self: Next time there’s a meeting to decide whether or not to release something conceal a voice recorder George Costanza style.
That feeling when you get called out for something that got lost in translation.
I would be very flattered if people’s overestimations of how much snow has fallen applied to one of my body parts. #nsfw
Useful YouTube video on how to add word baloons to an image in GIMP. golddave.com/PUj0Gv
@VerizonSupport Is it really necesary to tweet this several times a day?
When you’re in a “Details” view in Tweetdeck why doesn’t hitting Esc take you back to the stream?
@curiousmitch My phone is always charging when there’s a charger available.
@curiousmitch What? You were being sarcastic?