- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for December 2012 « page 11
@curiousmitch may like RT @nytimesbits: What’s up with WhatsApp? Not acquisition talks with Facebook, apparently. golddave.com/hvz9Fs
Rex says he needs more time to make QB decision. Says he has confidence in all 3 but doesn’t sound like it. #Jets
Pope Starts Personal Twitter Account golddave.com/iKTbRt (via @nytimes) Me: Because this is exactly what the Pope needs.
@duffbert I has the same initial reaction.
Just finished watching the #Jets game via DVR. Amused at how they found a way to infuse more drama into their season. 3 QB controversy.
Will watch rest of game later on DVR so no Twitter for me until then. Have a nice rest of the day.
#Jets had one of the best kicking tandems in the league a few years ago with Feely and Weatherford then let them both go. Bad moves.
Mike Westhoff is not having a good season. #Jets
@curiousmitch I’ve never been a Folk fan.
What’s the record for most times hitting the upright on field goal attempts in one game? #Jets