- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for August 2012 « page 15
When a bus pulls up to the gate 2 minutes AFTER it was scheduled to depart driver should be forced to waive his rights to a bathroom break.
@curiousmitch Eventually. I’m not ready to be photographed like this yet.
Now that I’m growing my beard I have confirmation of all the reasons why I never did it before. Gotta wait ~20 more days before next shave.
@Viper007Bond All babies are short.
When dumb people do dumb things it’s expected. But what really gets me is when smart people do dumb things.
Guess who just picked up another mayorship!
@curiousmitch No. She was eating.
Thankfully the fat lady didn’t sit next to me.
@curiousmitch Wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have to quit listening to music cold turkey.
@curiousmitch Neither.