- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for June 2012 « page 18
RT @edbott: LastPass creates LinkedIn password checking tool. lastpass.com/linkedin/
My son is a boy of many talents. Tonight he literally laughed until he pooped his pants. Good times!
Had a nice pizza lunch today only to get home and discover my wife made pizza for dinner. #pizzahangover
@curiousmitch @duffbert Giuliani isn’t mentioned in the article.
Friends don’t let friends shoot vertical videos on their phones. golddave.com/MyupLT (via @nytimesbits). Me: A must watch!
@duffbert If only this happened before the publicity around CEO of Yahoo’s resume “snafu”.
LinkedIn Was Breached. Now What Do You Do? golddave.com/dZzONB (via @nytimes)
On(X) remotely automates your Android phone with Ifttt-like recipes golddave.com/jS3kTD Me: May interest my Android using friends.
Reimaging averted… for now. The day has been saved… unless I get another BSOD.
Laptop needs to be reimaged. Looks like I’ll be without it for a while. Kiss today’s productivity goodbye.