- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for June 2012 « page 10
@curiousmitch There must be something else going on because the power of Flag day is not strong enough for that.
Awesome! RT @MLB: 25 years ago today, Keith Hernandez spat on Kramer and Newman: golddave.com/N5xR8s
Actual card I bought my dad for Fathers Day. golddave.com/8mMi1O
Imaginary phone diagnosis: ‘Vibranxiety’ golddave.com/TquCSm Me: I thought it was just me!
@curiousmitch It’s a Flag Day miracle!
Vending Machine Makes a Fresh Pizza in 2 Minutes [VIDEO] golddave.com/XH3Zu5 (via @mashable) Me: Lunch anyone?
@perze Of course.
@perze I have bigger problems than my back. (I can go all day too. It’s in my heritage.)
@duffbert With hand upon my hear I salute you.
@perze Unfortunately the question changes at my age: how may hairs in the shower drain this morning?