- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for May 2012 « page 17
@curiousmitch @duffbert How does it track sleep?
@duffbert @curiousmitch How does it differ from a pedometer app on my phone?
@LanceUlanoff How can I trust my Klout score if I don’t know how it’s derived?
@curiousmitch Cycling would be a plus but not a requirement. Just looking to get a better picture of day to day activity.
Anybody have any thoughts about the Fitbit Ultra?
Would you have guessed this correctly? golddave.com/zAmria
What kind of a name is Maxwell for a girl? golddave.com/zYiqx3
Listening to Sunday’s @NoAgenda Show. @adamcurry – Link to NY Times’ Pete Fornatale obit nyti.ms/JqIvkK via @twitbituaries
@NextJewshWebste There’s an app for that.
Look, mom, new avatar! What do you think?