- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for November 2011 « page 4
iPhone Tethering App Hits iTunes golddave.com/dXNOFj Me: Enjoy it while it lasts.
Upon examining headers in spam I’ve been receiving I noticed a trend. Someone’s abuse email just received a message from me.
@curiousmitch This technoogy has been around for a ling time. It’s commonly referred to as “sticky notes”.
@curiousmitch You held out longer than me. Hope you get a good night sleep regardless.
@curiousmitch They remain in the game but I’m not sure for how long.
@curiousmitch Their bodies did. They apparetly left their talent at home.
@curiousmitch Choreographing that TD dance (which very nearly cost him an excessive celebration penalty).
@curiousmitch That’s actually part of my sponsorship pitch. “Don’t be an Uncle Leo.”