- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for May 2011 « page 11
@supertoy Seems like you’re stalking @dsilverman, albeit from long distance.
@dsilverman Hate it. Worried they’ll remove 3rd party URL shortening.
Doing a long and tedious task that nonetheless reminds me of why I like working here. It’s where my job meets stuff I’ve learned on my own.
Funny how my vitamin supplement lists everything that’s in them except for calories.
Just saw preview for the next season of Curb Your Enthusiasm and it reinforced the reason I still pay for HBO. golddave.com/vrZLYb
It’s easy to change your prediction when it doesn’t come true. Camping should probably keep his mouth shut. – golddave.com/T9XzTv
Wilpon Passes Burgers and the Buck – golddave.com/cTiy7m
On This Day (May 24) – golddave.com/Lr9Fzr
Correcting a 112 year old obituary – golddave.com/zmIetl
Today’s New York Times (May 24, 2011) – golddave.com/NTufVe