- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for November 2010 « page 3
Between TVs, computers and a Wii everyone is occupied right now allowing me to watch the #Giants game in relative peace.
RT @ConanOBrien: As if the TSA couldn’t get any creepier, today they announced they’re changing their name to Uncle TSA.
Copying data to new drive and the power goes out. And did I mention I haven’t had a chance to replace my dead UPS yet?
@JerseySchorr Were you able to hack it?
Automatic 10 point deduction to anyone who calls Thanksgiving “turkey day”. #fb
@HarveyAraton Probably a bit of both but it doesn’t matter. The stigma is there even if it’s a false perception.
This is the only black Friday I care about: amzn.to/dXzDJ5
Today’s sad programming joke: RT @sastier: “A SQL query walks into a bar. He approaches two tables and says, Mind if I join you?”
@perze But we’ll see if it works tomorrow when I document my test case.
@perze Actually, when I was demo-ing the issue fir Ashwin XSS-Me onexplicably started working on the troubled page again!