- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for October 2010 « page 5
Still amazed at lack of thank yous from people asking other passengers for info about bus they’re waiting for at PABT.
Wife’s birthday is next Monday. Looking for suggestions for a nice but reasonably priced gift. Keep in mind I’m gift giving challenged.
A little less meeting/planning and a bit more working/developing/testing would do a lot of good right now.
RT @EliFromBrooklyn: The Yankees dismiss Dave Eiland as pitching coach. Rick Peterson says, ‘He can fix Eiland in about ten minutes.’
@curiousmitch Excellent!
Let the flames begin.)
The #Yankees didn’t win the series so it’s time for the crybabies to blame someone. This year’s scapegoat: pitching coach Dave Eiland.
The Beatles’ Dr. Robert followed by Steely Dan’s Doctor Wu. Gotta love the shuffle function on the MP3 player.
I don’t watch much football when the Jets aren’t playing so I never realized how accurate a QB Aaron Rodgers is. He’s been mostly spot on.
Looking for suggestions for bloging ideas. Anyone? Beuller?