- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for October 2010 « page 12
Finished my Selenium script! Thanks, @perze for your help.
Wouldn’t it have been funny if they got all the miners out but the aid workers they sent down got trapped? #fb
Why is this so hard for me?
Got my basic Selenium test case working! Now to add some variables and a loop.
RT @Seth_Everett: Funny Superman/Facebook comedy. The Joy of Tech comic… Superman’s social media nightmare. geekculture.com/joyoftech/joya… #fb
What’s the best Android phone on Sprint excluding the EVO? #sprint
@perze Thanks!
@perze I decided to put it aside for the day and hit it again in the morning. Sauce sounds like an option worth trying. I’ll see in the AM.
RT @davidseguin: My liveblogging insta-tweeting autoupdating Chilean miner rescue news machine enters its 26th hour http://nyti.ms/bmruiN
@perze I’m not up to coding yet (though I do have pseudo code for the logic). I’m having trouble with my RC setup.