- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for June 2009 « page 18
Pelfrey is done for the day. You could argue he never really got started.
Lunch is Lay’s Classic potato chips and Powerade followed by a KitKat for desert.
Someone in this office is eating something particularly stinky. Ugh.
Published a new blog post: RIP David Carradine @bit.ly/ubcxZ Comments are welcome.
Trying to figure out why I get muscle pain and tightness behind my right knee after sitting in office chair a while. Never happened before.
@TzviPittinsky Incredible! I actually feel like I’m climbing the snake path!
RT @BreakingNews: Kung Fu star David Carradine has been found dead in a hotel in Bangkok. He was 73.
Playing with seesmic desktop and realizing that the feature that will make it worth using (for me) is a read/unread indicator.
RT @mostlymets: New #mets blog post: Poll: Redding or Glavine? @http://bit.ly/PlaGi
@bananza 50 miles!?!? Wow!