- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for June 2009 « page 11
Testing multiple account posting from the new Seesmic Desktop 0.3 RC1.
Just installed new Seesmic Desktop 0.3. Good improvements but still not read/unread indicator. Big fail for me.
Loving the new Weird Al song. Gotta admire how he stays current. bit.ly/4p9RXE
Ever have one of those days where you just can’t get motivated to work? I’m fighting through one of those right now. Getting stuff done.
I don’t know why I find this funny. RT @BreakingNews: FDA: Consumers should stop using Zicam nasal gel. Can cause permanent loss of smell.
@askseesmic Is that the only way to get it or will using the update feature within SD get it too?
Trying to figure out signed requests for #Amazon web services. Having trouble parsing the returned XML in PHP. Old version works fine.
Why does John Lennon’s Jealous Guy always choke me up? bit.ly/CJsi3
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes the other day. I had a rough week before and appreciated the well wishes. Thanks. #fb
@donreisinger I got a useful and sturdy desk at Staples several years ago. It’s not designer furniture but it works for me.