- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for January 2011 « page 14
Watching last night’s Hawaii 5-0 on demand. I always get choked up at scenes of parents identifying their children’s bodies at the morgue.
BTW, that’s 3 days in a row with 10+ miles on the bike each day. Not a bad (late) start to the year.
Bet. shoveling/blowing snow in morn & bike riding/pushups/situps in eve my body’s exhausted. On plus side finally got ’11 fitness prog going
Me (to the 5 year old): You are so smart! Him: I know it!
@curiousmitch My favorite news source these days. I was outbid the office today or I would have seen it earlier.
Had blind date with girl who had a very large nose. All through dinner I had one arm guarding my food for fear of her sneezing. #worstdate
Sad that my daughter is sick today. But thankful for the ability to work from home so we can eat and play Wii games together on lunch break.
Don Kirshner, Rock Producer and Promoter, Dies at 77 – golddave.com/MKduHw
Another reason why I’m not going to be upgrading my phone soon (unless I get a crazy good deal) – golddave.com/yNOAQt
@supertoy I forgot about that. Favre put in his retirement paperwork to the NFL yesterday.