- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for January 2011 « page 13
Talked to my kids last night about doing a book reading project over their winter vacation. Good idea until I had to go to the bookstore.
@curiousmitch Still no Jets love? grumble grumble Giants fan grumble grumble
Smug’s Out, Talent’s in at ‘Idol’ – golddave.com/6XFHeD Me: If talent is in how do you explain Ryan Seacrest still being on the show?
Does Weight Lifting Make You Smarter? – golddave.com/sEdh68
My Facebook News Feed (set to Most Recent) skips from an hour ago to Sunday night. Guess all my Facebook friends took a couple of days off.
@TzviPittinsky Glad to be of service.
Trunk.ly Keeps Track of the Links You Share Online – golddave.com/aHQjqJ Me: A free service I’ve found useful in week since I joined
If you have 4 minutes and like old Pink Floyd you must take the time to listen to Syd Barret’s Baby Lemonade – golddave.com/1e33zV
@bananza This is an old post but sounds like a similar problem. May be helpful. Let me know how it goes. http://golddave.com/QJE3zc
@thegizwiz Depressed New England Patriots fan?