- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for October 2009 « page 5
@jollyroger The Ramones
@bananza Are you saying that old ladies go to be pantsless?
@Jason Are you talking about WordPress.com or standalone WordPress blogs? There have been solutions for standalone blogs for a long time.
@donncha Played with several different settings here but keep getting the same thing. I couldn’t need to set this over 1024, could I?
@donncha I added that line to my wp-config and still get the error.
@donncha I get an error when I search files. “Fatal error: Out of memory”
I know it’s an odd transition but I just switched from Steely Dan to Bruce Hornsby and the Range.
It’s been a while so I had forgotten how good the albums “Pretzel Logic” and “The Royal Scam” were. Please forgive me, Becker and Fagen. #fb
The paper didn’t come today and the New York Posts phone has been busy for hours. Doomsday?
Published a new blog post: An Idle Mind… Comments are welcome. bit.ly/2d1z70