- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for October 2009 « page 4
Jeter battles for a walk to load the bases. Excellent at bat for Jeter. #Yankees
Second and third with one out for the #Yankees. This game finally has an interesting moment.
How did I miss the death of Soupy Sales?!?!
Published a new blog post: Bad News for Xbox Comments are welcome. bit.ly/2Z654C
Poll: When you root against the Yanks are you actually rooting against the team or fans? Vote now at: bit.ly/IqT1C
RT @mostlymets: Poll: When you root against the Yanks are you actually rooting against the team or fans? Vote now at: http://bit.ly/IqT1C
Set up my old 3Com webcam today and got Skype to recognize it with some slight of hand. Real test will be if sister can tell the difference
Looking for a video of the Seinfeld/Elijah the Prophet sketch from Saturday Night Live circa 1992. Anyone?
Ever apply for a job online and the application was so cumbersome you felt it was too much work just to apply? I feel that way right now.
Published a new blog post: Beatles Crap Out Comments are welcome. bit.ly/42UI77