Tweet Archive for hashtag “#NFL” « page 5

Tough break for the #Jets. Defense better hold up. #Raiders #NFL

6:03pm Sep 25 2011 —

Does that count as a sack? #Jets #Raiders #NFL

5:56pm Sep 25 2011 —

#Raiders defense is getting tough. #Jets #NFL

5:53pm Sep 25 2011 —

Nice to see the #Jets running 3rd down passes that go beyond the 1st down marker. #NFL

5:51pm Sep 25 2011 —

If Sanchez can eat a hot dog during a game I can certainly eat a bowl of chicken soup during halftime. #Jets #NFL

5:45pm Sep 25 2011 —

Janikowski missed from 56 yards earlier but hits from 54 to end the first half. #Jets and #Raiders tied at 17. #NFL

5:34pm Sep 25 2011 —

#Raiders setting the stage for another Janikowski attempt. #Jets #NFL

5:32pm Sep 25 2011 —

#Jets need a big play to quiet this #Raiders crowd. #NFL

5:21pm Sep 25 2011 —

What did I say about McFadden earlier? Now he’s scored a 70 yard TD. #Jets #Raiders #NFL

5:17pm Sep 25 2011 —

Sanchez tried to firce that one. Very Risky. He got lucky it wasn’t picked off. #Jets #Raiders #NFL

5:10pm Sep 25 2011 —