Tweet Archive for hashtag “#NFL” « page 3

Tebow was 5 for 11 in the first half but still winning. Go figure. #NFL

7:34pm Jan 8 2012 —

If the #Giants lose this challenge the game is over. #Saints #NFL

11:56pm Nov 28 2011 —

The #Giants defense is looking lousy tonight. #Saints #NFL

11:47pm Nov 28 2011 —

Stevie Johnson couldn’t come down with the grab with no time left on the clock. #Jets win! #NFL Payback is a bitch, Stevie!

5:08pm Nov 27 2011 —

RT @SportsCenter: #NFL@merrilhoge: Mark Sanchez is a Tebow-esque 11-27 today.

4:42pm Nov 27 2011 —

Just when you think the #Jets are ready to take control of the game they muff a fair catch on a punt. #NFL

4:07pm Nov 27 2011 —

Due to a technical difficulty I missed the last 10 minutes of the #Jets game. Thanks to the Jets I really haven’t missed much. #NFL

3:01pm Nov 27 2011 —

#Jets got 5 yards on that penalty. One of their longest gains of the day. #NFL

2:43pm Nov 27 2011 —

I understand how rare it is for brothers to coach against each other in the #NFL but can we focus on the game please? #NFLNetwork

11:15pm Nov 24 2011 —

My brother (@jgoldsteinesq) and I are separated by 14 months. Why don’t we get as much press as the Harbaugh brothers? #nfl #bfd

9:53pm Nov 24 2011 —