Tweet Archive for hashtag “#NFL” « page 12

Big 3rd down here. Let’s keep ’em down! #JEts #NFL

6:53pm Jan 16 2011 —

I love Weatherford but I’m getting worried about him. Second game in a row with a case of the touchbacks. #Jets #NFL

6:47pm Jan 16 2011 —

Why are they throwing for 3 yds when they need 5? #Jets #NFL

6:46pm Jan 16 2011 —

Big challenge here. Saves the #Jets the loss on the play that was interrupted. Can it save the catch? #Pats #NFL

6:42pm Jan 16 2011 —

Nice job holding onto the ball, Keller. #Jets #NFL

6:38pm Jan 16 2011 —

This can be a good opportunity. Let’s take it! #Jets #NFL

6:34pm Jan 16 2011 —

Good covergare caused that. #Jets #Pats #NFL

6:33pm Jan 16 2011 —

TD LT! #Jets #NFL

6:28pm Jan 16 2011 —

Keep the faith, baby. Let’s get this done! #Jets #Pats #NFL

6:24pm Jan 16 2011 —

#rd sack of Brady. That’s what you’ve got to do! #Jets #Pats #NFL

6:21pm Jan 16 2011 —