Tweet Archive for hashtag “#NFL” « page 10

Weatherfood did his job with the punt but the coverage betrayed him. He had to make the tackle himself. #Jets #Pats #NFL

8:23pm Jan 16 2011 —

This could be the most important punt of the season. Let’s hope Weatherford kicks like he did in the regular season. #Jets #Pats #NFL

8:22pm Jan 16 2011 —

#Jets take over on downs! This is crunch time. You play the whole season for moments like this. #Pats #NFL

8:17pm Jan 16 2011 —

OMG! Not Revis!! He’s down. #Jets #Pats #NFL

8:14pm Jan 16 2011 —

More great pass coverage by the #Jets! #Pats #NFL

8:13pm Jan 16 2011 —

#Jets must stop giving up 1st downs. #Pats #NFL

8:11pm Jan 16 2011 —

TD Holmes!! #Jets #Pats #NFL

8:00pm Jan 16 2011 —

Cotchery seems to have changed the momentum. #Jets #Pats #NFL

7:58pm Jan 16 2011 —

I saw that direct snap coming from a mile away. Now it’s just a field goal differential. #Jets #Pats #NFL

7:53pm Jan 16 2011 —

Didn’t happen. #Jets #Pats #NFL

7:51pm Jan 16 2011 —