- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for December 2011 « page 8
For those who are confused my last tweet was in Yiddish.
Doos is nit a gutta zach. Nisht gut far di yiddin. golddave.com/f5LRvA
@curiousmitch I’ve spelled it at least 3 different ways already this season.
@curiousmitch Some nerd had too much time on their hands.
How is it that someone openly agrees with your opinion that there should be no meetings during lunch time hours but keeps scheduling them?
@curiousmitch Notice the URL shortening issue?
I’m within 6 miles of my 2011 target bicycle mileage. Feeling pretty good about that.
If the example link you provide does not exhibit the issue before the bug fix is applied then it’s not valid for testing said bug fix.
Just had my morning cup of schadenfreude. Helped balance for my own unfortunate morning error.
Listened to Sting’s The Soul Cages on my way in to work today. Amazed I remembered almost all the lyrics. golddave.com/VlAzYL