- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for February 2011 « page 26
@curiousmitch Where are you watching?
@JerseySchorr Where are you watching?
About halfway through the season I said the Packers were a dangerous team and could make the #SuperBowl. Now I’m rooting for them to win it!
Bottom line: I don’t care how cheap the phone is because I’m not upgrading unless the monthly charges are cheaper.
@curiousmitch Great. There goes my annual Super Bowl tradition of reading about your chili!
@curiousmitch Are you making chili for the game?
Anyone know any RSS/XML feeds of weekly parsha sheets? Working on an idea.
@TzviPittinsky The most impotant technology of all has no off switch: the brain. You can sht off the rest but you’re brain is still working.
Bot worked!
On This Day (February 6) – golddave.com/uu8dkZ