- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for February 2010 « page 11
@GreenLanternJet I lost a bunch of follower once by live tweeting a Mets game.
@GreenLanternJet I think it’s that people don’t like long streams of tweet. They’d rather have occasional , topical messages.
@GreenLanternJet Will you be consolidating it into a blog?
Working with 2 monitors is nice.
RT @WordPressMotif: WordPress Android App Will Support Video Uploading (Native Stats Too) http://bit.ly/bv9Xsb
@JerseySchorr Using microwave to heat water from the pantry sink. Didn’t taste good.
@curiousmitch And during the game it’ll be more about the commercials.
The Who, and the Super Bowl’s Evolving Halftime Show – http://bit.ly/9X4DQX #sb44
My hot chocolate tastes like bad water this morning. There must be a better way to get hot water for it.