- David Goldstein
- @golddave
- A Whole Lot of Nothing
Tweet Archive for October 2009 « page 2
@curiousmitch Both.
Time for me to bring my RSS feeds into the modern era. (My RSS reader hasn’t been updated in 4 years.) Any suggestions?
@supertoyz I figured it’d take about that long. It’s just frustrating to wait for it. I appreciate that you sent it to me.
Still waiting to receive the Google Wave invite some sent me yesterday. Very frustrating. Sigh.
@WilHarris Not actual a capella. It’s the vocal track from the standard version. There’s a difference. But it’s still very nice.
Discovered how “Worlds Slowest Laptop” got it’s name. Bad RAM. Only 128 MB working. Thing only take .5 Gig. Need cheap replacement RAM.
Skipping the bike today due to affects of overnight nasal congestion that’s taking it’s time clearing up. Argh!
Mucinex, Pseudephedrine & Tylenol have not been able to get me through the night without nasal congestion. Suggestions?
Published a new blog post: Endless Reboot Endless Comments are welcome. bit.ly/RHuw2
Anyone know how I can get Google Voice?